Principal's Corner

Hampton Families,

I would like to welcome our new families and returning families to Kimberly Hampton Primary School where we “Let your dreams take flight!” 

At Hampton, we strive to provide quality classroom instruction that prepares students for life in the 21st century. At Hampton Primary School, we embrace a culture of high expectations and design our instruction to meet the needs of each individual learner. Our staff utilizes a variety of strategies to provide a rigorous, rich, and well-rounded educational experience for your child. 

Kimberly Hampton Primary School staff are committed to ensuring your child receives an excellent education everyday at Hampton. At Hampton Primary School our purpose statement remains: “We collaborate, persevere through challenges, respect others, and take responsibility for our learning.” We work together with our families to educate, engage, and empower military-connected students to succeed in a dynamic world. 

We have a strong home-school partnership and we are committed to the success of all students. As we work together this year, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher or Hampton Administration when you have questions. We encourage two-way communication with our families, and we believe the best way forward is together. We are honored to serve our military community and we are dedicated to fulfilling our role as a partner with you in your child’s education. 

Mrs. Angela Clouse, DoDEA employees official photo.

Mrs. Angela Clouse

4503 Honeycutt Road Bldg B-7757
Fort Bragg, NC 28307
United States

Linda Bryant, assistant principal for Hampton Primary School

Ms. Linda Bryant

4503 Honeycutt Road Bldg B-7757
Fort Bragg, NC 28307
United States

Photo of Mr. Jason Pals.

Mr. Jason Pals

4503 Honeycutt Road Bldg B-7757
Fort Bragg, NC 28307
United States

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